Tuesday, 4 December 2018


This week we are learning about BEDMAS, in this activity we had to work with a partner, I was working with Myztique. Click through my presentation to find out more.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Sprint Track

 Today we are learning about area and perimeter. Here is our working out on slide 1.

Art Rubric

For this weeks activity we had to pick an artist and how they use elements of art. Our focus is based on our Rubric for Art. Our goal is to explain the three elements we choose.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Movie Time

WALT: Use questions to help my understanding of other mathematical thinking. 

Today I have been learning about the 24 hour time and how to convert it to the am time. We had to work out three different word problems.  Hope you enjoy.

Friday, 2 November 2018


In this presentation I have read this text about artist making beautiful art on the streets.

SYNTHESIS GRAPHIC ORGANISER Name: Anna     Date: 2.11.18
What I already know about street art that it is a type of art that can bring communities together and help out with the graffiti.
Text 1
TITLE: Write4Gold

What are the key points in  this text?
  • Judges look at the preliminary sketch
  • Write4Gold is a graffiti art competition
  • Held in Germany, Europe
  • In August 2006,  the most def crew won
  • They were judge on several categories
  • Zero Tolerance against the Destruction of creativity
  • Artist don’t get invitation to show their skills

Text 2

What are the key points in  this text?
  • Making art throughout Aotearoa and around the world
  • Combine colorful depictions
  • World Graffiti Art Championships
  • Drawn to graffiti with her love of art
  • Others artist gave her the name “Diva”
  • The murals combines native birds and maori designs
  • Respecting the land people have chosen native birds
  • Charles has even had a spray paint named after him
  • They put there time, energy,spirit, soul, and body into their artworks
Video 1

What are the key points in  this text?
  • Things to share with others
  • Represents craziness and how they are feeling
  • Maori artists
  • Mayonnaise hasn’t done any artwork in Australia
  • International artist partner with young kiwis
  • Fin Dac forgets about struggles in his life when he is painting
  • Skip all the mess and find the positive parts
  • Colors merging
  • Color is better than black and grey
Video 2

What are the key points in this video?
  • Wrdsmyth, street artist leaving his mark in New Zealand Stadium, Eden Park
  • Typewriter represents his love of writing
  • Art is incredible
  • He has previously installed works in cities such as London, Paris, and Tokyo
  • He is best known for iconic of vintage typewriters combined with inspirational text
My new understanding on the topic of Street art/graffiti is art that can inspire people and street art can tell a story that has happened in there life.

Measurement: Time

WALT: Agree on a solution that each can we can explain.

For this weeks activity we have been focusing on the 24 hour time. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, 1 November 2018


WALT: Infer the meaning using the text for clues.

Today we are working on inferencing a text and answering questions about the text we read. We are working about this because our test is coming up, and this will help you.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

DIMIC - Time

WALT:Use questions to help my understanding of others mathematical thinking. 

This week we are learning about how to use the am/pm time and how to convert it to the 24 hour time. Click through my presentation to find more.

Friday, 28 September 2018

Presentations 2018

Today was a special day for team five. We are performing the dances we have been practising for about four weeks, first we had to get dressed. My group was wearing a lavalava and a sei (which is a flower). Our performance was a Samoan maulu’ulu, in my group I was blessed with these two talented Samoans who is Petesa and Adrienne.

First Mr Wiseman had a number generator to see what class, was going to perform first. It landed on Room 5 then it was Room 1, Room 2, Then my class ROOM 3!! My group was performing 3rd to last. When we performed I was so nervous I was trying to smile but my stomach kept on rumbling.

After we performed I was so relieved I just wanted to run off the stage but first I bowed and walked off gracefully because it was a cultural dance. When we got off the stage room 3 needed one more performances by Tevita, Javan, and Leo. After their performance it was time for Room 4.

When we finished all of our performances from Team 5 we had to say Thank you to Team 3 for taking their time to watch us perform.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018



My physical activity is Samoan Ma ulu'ulu in my group I have Petesa, Adrienne, and myself. We learnt this dance in over 2-4 weeks and it was really challenging for me because I am not Samoan. When we perform next week I am going to be very nervous and shy.  

Friday, 7 September 2018

Rugby League Man

WALT: Infer and find hidden meaning in text

This week we are learning about a boy name Logan who has 3 poster of his rugby league hero, who is Billy Slater, Benji Marshal, and Manu Vatuvei. Keep on clicking on the presentation to find out more.

Monday, 27 August 2018

Show, Don't Tell

For writing I am researching about Yohan Blake. This terms theme is "Move ya body" and my class has been doing show don't tell this week. This presentation is about some athletes and we got to pick an athlete to write about and my athlete was Yohan Blake the reason why I picked him was because we couldn't pick Usain Bolt cause my teacher knew that we would know a lot of information about Usain Bolt. 

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

The Independence Games

WALT: Identify the hook in an non-fiction article

In this presentation we are learning about the independence games and we had to answer the questions. Also at the end we had to make a poster. Here is my poster.

Monday, 20 August 2018


For this weeks activity we got introduced to statistics but a few of us already knew what statistics was all about. I was working with a buddy who is Myztique and we figured out a lot of complicated equations of different kinds of graphs. 

M.M.M - Mean, Mode, Median

Statistics                                                           name: Myztique and Anna

WALT- Identify the mean, median and mode within a collection of data

Activity One
Answer the questions in a different colour

The definition of the mean in a statistical investigation is commonly referred to as the average. It is the total of all the data divided by the amount of data shown.
For example: if we have this range of data 3,5,7,1,2,3,6,8

3+5+7+1+2+3+6+5  = 32  = 4
             8         8

  1. Find the mean in this set of numbers
3+7+8 +4+2+6+5+4+3+9 = 51 âž— 10 = 5 r 1
           Find the mean in the set of numbers
4+12+5+6+11+9+5 = 52  âž— 7 =  7 r 3
  1. Find the mean in this tally chart
Pets owned by students
Number of students
  10 + 12 + 4 + 2 = 28 âž— 4 =  7

  1. Find the mean in this set of numbers
24+12+16+18 = 70 âž— 4 = 17 r 2
  1. Find the mean in this set of numbers
5+9+12+4+10+7= 47 âž— 6 = 7 r 5
  1. CHALLENGE QUESTION: Find the mean within this data, use the frequency table to help you
1+5+5+2+1+2+5+5+5+5+1+2+1+5+5 = 50 âž— 15 = 3 r 5


Activity Two
Answer the questions in a different colour

The definition of the median is the middle number within a set of numbers that have been put in order from size (biggest to smallest or smallest to biggest)
For example: 2,6,4,1,9 = 1,2,4,6,9 and the middle number is 4.
BUT say if there is more than one middle number… the median is found by taking the number midway between the middle pair of numbers:
3,6,1,4,9,2 = 1,2,3,4,6,9 → 3 + 4 = 3.5

Find the median in these sets of numbers

  1. 10,14,17,12,19,11,16
10,11,12,14,16,17,19 - the middle number is 14

  1. 34,42,37,31,40  
31, 34,37,40,42 - the middle number is 37

  1. 101, 167,138,124,198,149
101, 124, 138,149, 167, 198 - the middle number is 143.5

  1. 54, 58,52,57,53,60
53,53,54,57,58,60 - the middle number is 55.5

  1. 1001, 1094, 1023, 1065, 1038, 1027, 1042
1001, 1023, 1027, 1038, 1042, 1065, 1094 - the middle number is 1038

  1. Find the median within this tally chart

Pets owned by students
Number of students
2 ,4, 7, 8 , 10 = 7

Activity Three
The mode is the most frequent number in a set of data. The number that occurs most often.
For example: In a set of numbers 3, 7, 8, 4, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3, 9 there is two modes, 3 and 4 because they appear twice in the data set.
Note- There can either be 0, 1 or 2 modes. If there are 3 or more numbers occur the same number of times, there is no mode.

Find the mode in these sets of numbers

  1. 2, 1, 5, 3, 7, 8, 5, 3 ,9 = 3 and 5
  2. 1, 5, 3, 2, 9 ,4, 1, 6, 8, 0 = 1
  3. 23, 45, 78, 12, 45, 67, 32, 46, 93, 12 = 12 and 45
  4. 101, 121, 123, 145, 167, 121, 139, 145, 176 = 121 and 145
  5. 394, 273, 219, 294, 183, 291, 273, 288, 271 = 273