Thursday, 29 May 2014
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Samoan Language Week Writing
Samoan Language Week
WALT: write script for a movie about Samoan Language Week.
Topic: Samoan Language Week
Audience: PES, whanau, worldwide blog audience.
Purpose: To explain to people what Samoan Language Week is about.
Text type: Explanation
Key Vocabulary and Sentence Beginnings:
Helpful Links:
Introduce what your movie is about.
eg: Samoan Language Week is from Monday 26th - Friday 30th May 2014. The theme is “Taofi mau i au measina” which means “hold Fast to your treasures.”
Give some information about Samoa.
Teach us some Samoan phrases! (Remember to tell us what it means in English too!)
Conclude your movie.
eg: I hope you have enjoyed learning about Samoan culture and language! Tofa soifua!
Edit your writing:
Once you have finished make sure you have checked your work for spelling, capital letters, full stops and other punctuation. Does your writing say what you want it to say? Is it good enough to put on your blog?
Blog it!
Post your writing on your blog (only copy the part you have written yourself).
Share it!
Click on the little blue share button and share it with your teacher so she can mark it.
Start writing here:
Manuia le taeao and Talofa lava and Afio to my Samoan language week writing my name is Anna and i’m going to tell you about Samoan language week Samoan week from Monday 26th until Friday 30th May 2014. The theme is “ Taofi mau i au measina ’’ which means “ hold fast to your treasures.’’
E te ilo tautala fa algilisi which means Do you speak english ? . Ia manuia le Kerisimasi ma le Tausaga Fou which means Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I am going to teach you how to say the days of the week. These are the days in Samoan
Aso sa - Sunday
Aso Gaufau - Monday
Aso Lau - Tuesday
Aso Lulu - Wednesday
AsoTofi - Thursday
Aso Faraile - Friday
Aso To’onai - Saturday
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
My Movenote Practice
Click the play button and watch my video or click on the movenote link and create one of your own. B-D
Tally Marks Of Phone Calls
Click on the Movenote button to watch my movie about how many Tally Marks of phone Calls
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Friday, 16 May 2014
Anna Milk For School
Milk for Schools
WALT: write an explanation about the Milk for Schools programme and use effective sentences.
Topic: Milk for Schools
Audience: PES, whanau, worldwide blog audience.
Purpose: To explain to people what the Milk for Schools programme is about.
Text type: Explanation
Key Vocabulary and Sentence Beginnings:
milk, Fonterra, carton, recycling, protein, Anchor, milkman, calcium, bones, strong, muscles, fridge, vitamins, engage your brain in learning, nutrients, teeth
Helpful Links: Milk for Schools clip
P1: Introduction: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
P2: The first reason why milk is important is...
P3: The second reason why milk is important is...
P3: Conclusion
Edit your writing:
Once you have finished make sure you have checked your work for spelling, capital letters, full stops and other punctuation. Does your writing say what you want it to say? Is it good enough to put on your blog?
Blog it!
Post your writing on your blog (only copy the part you have written yourself).
Share it!
Click on the little blue share button and share it with your teacher so she can mark it.
Start writing here:
Fonterra Milk for Schools is a program for school children to get milk every day at school .Each week, a milk truck comes to the school with boxes of milk which get put into a refrigerator. One person from every class takes enough milk from the box to their classroom. Every student gets a carton of milk to drink. Once you have drunk it dry, you need to fold it up and put it in the recycling bin.
Milk makes you run faster and swim faster and make your brain work and and makes your bones stronger. It gives energy to play and learn. The calcium in the milk helps to make your bones and teeth strong, which is important so you don’t break a lot of bones.
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
I am learning my basic facts
My Basic Facts - “Bonds to 10”
Write down all the numbers that add together to make 10.
1+9 = 10
8+2 = 10
I am learning my shapes
Extra for Experts:
I have six sides. What shape am I? hexagon
I have eight sides. What shape am I? octagon
I have three points. What shape am I? triangle
I have five edges. What shape am I? square
I have four sides but I am not a square. What shape am I? diamond
I am learning about greater than and less than
Greater than or less than:
Use these signs > (greater than), < (less than), or = (equal) to make the maths sentence true. I have done the first one for you.
7 > 4
12 < 8
57 > 58
19 > 29
13 < 3
27 = 27
17 < 12
31 = 31
2+3 = 4+1
19+5 > 22+1
28+6 < 27+8 35
32-5 > 15+6
Friday, 9 May 2014
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Our Holiday
Holiday Anna, Kyron, Adrienne from Team 3 PES on Vimeo.
We have been working with IMovie here how our holiday went
My Holiday Recount
My Holiday
WALT: write a recount about my school holiday using effective paragraphs.
Topic: School Holidays.
Audience: PES, whanau, worldwide blog audience.
Purpose: To tell people about your holiday experiences.
Text type: Recount
Key Vocabulary and Sentence Beginnings:
delightful, joyful, overwhelmed, over the moon, fantastic, superb, ecstatic, dismal, dreary…
ANZAC, ceremony, WW1, Gallipoli, war, fight, serve, wreath, “Lest we forget”, “We will remember them”...
Easter, eggs, chocolate, family, church, Jesus, died, cross, resurrected, faith...
Have you ever been to...
Wow! What an exciting …
Guess what? …
During the school holidays …
Last week...
P1: Introduction: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
P2: What happened?
P3: What happened next?
P3: Conclusion: What happened in the end?
How did you feel about the experience? What did you enjoy the most? What do you hope for next time?
Edit your writing:
Once you have finished make sure you have checked your work for spelling, capital letters, full stops and other punctuation. Does your writing say what you want it to say? Is it good enough to put on your blog?
Blog it!
Post your writing on your blog (only copy the part you have written yourself).
Share it!
Click on the little blue share button and share it with your teacher so she can mark it.
Start writing here:
On Monday I went to church for drama practice it was fun because our supper was pizza and one fizzy drink . The first drama group was my brother and sister Quincess and Hala some people was laughing at him because he was the king and my little sister Quincess people was staring at her because she was facing the back of Christina and she was folding her hands. Then the next group was Melenoa’s group she was on the stage just sitting down and pretending holding a bible or a book .Then it was my group we have to pretend we are singing a church song .
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